No matter what I saw and felt on April 20th I knew I'd be alright and so I moved forward through the unknown into today. Four months have passed and my life just keeps getting lovelier by the minute. Guess I should take a minute to say that it's not because it's perfect because it's far from that but it's simply because I realize everything is as it should be and everyday brings with it the necessary teachers which will arm my soul with faith, courage, humility, love, and all the beautiful things my heart longs to know. It is lovely not in spite of life on life's terms but because of life on life's terms. Here is a tribute in pictures to everything that makes my life a lovely life!
Children are God's greatest gift and the most honest beings I've encountered. Trust me there's nothing like having Devon tell me in front of everyone while I held her in my arms,"you have bad breath". If that's not honest I don't know what is. ;-)
Taking a nap with my nephew the year I met him.

My beautiful friend Ondrea and her beautiful daughter Omelie

The beautiful boy that brought me back to life after four beings I loved went home. JC Branca

Family, Familia is what makes me who I am. I am inspired by all these people and I am grateful for all the brilliant actors the universe decided to send my way to portray my family. Of course I am grateful for the teachers God sent me, which I call my blood brothers and sisters. ;-)
My sisters and I with my mom. I rushed to Monterrey the day after I found out my baby nephew had been put in intensive care a few months after arriving on planet earth. Here we are in the waiting room. He's a very healthy toddler these days!

My sister Veronica and I after she surprised me in Texas at one of the stops of my play when we were touring. I LOVE HER!!!

Seven kids!!! My mom is one BRAVE BEAUTIFUL SOUL!!! I am the youngest. ;-)

My current "family", which I am beyond blessed to know. I trust in the wisdom of the universe because I know that by making them my "family" we are going to go on a beautiful journey together.

Friends are my backbone. These beautiful people and many more along my 33 year journey have made my life a beautiful one!
Enjoying Silke's company while she visits from Germany. Here's to manifesting her move back to LA. That's what we are drinking to. ;-)

Celebrating my 33rd with a gratitude dinner for my lovely friends!

Cast members of The Art of Being who became friends, who then became family. Here we are leaving our tour's stop in Texas.

My body! I am thankful for all it has allowed me to put it through in a month and a half. After deciding I would no longer allow a two year old diagnosis of a premature stress induced heart beat to rule my life I took off with pace. I went from barely making it through my class to doing class three times a week and running! I am so grateful for my body and for the wisdom that comes with age, listening to my body! ;-) Within a year I hope to be able to be back to dancing to the beat of my own drum and the rhythm of my soul!
Me and Jerry, my dance teacher of five years, getting back into the grove of things after a few years off.

Testing out an old move. I can still do it! Thank you body!

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! I've yet to know it but this year I will! This is the year I receive and give unconditional LOVE and when I do I will return here with someone.

And we will sit here and chat about our blessed, lovely life! ;-)

Lastly the one thing that connects me to what I believe to be a God of my understanding and that brings Emerson's quote to life for me, "All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen", NATURE!!! My constant source of INSPIRATION!!!
Runyon Canyon 6:30am or so just as the sun rises. What a sight! Knowing this awaits me makes my 5am wake up call do able! If you look really close to the right you can see Griffith Park! I love walking through the creek there.

Lake Travis in Austin. A sight to behold! I took these the weekend my boyfriend broke up with me two days before Valentine's and instead of Santa Barbara I went to Austin, read the Witch of Portobello and the rest is history. That saying "when god/life/universe closes one door it opens another", I'm living proof it's true. That door that closed allowed me to be myself and open another whose journey led me to Rome. This sight eased my pain before I knew Rome would become my reality.

Lastly I am a lover of all creatures and I believe we've invaded their home so take a look at this and really think twice before the next time you decide to end their lovely life. ;-)

May your lovely day allow you to see what a lovely life this is indeed!!