Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The Art of Losing.
Losing is defined as to come or be without. Since last night I have been hearing sorry for the loss, which got me thinking. Loss. To me that is a very deep, strong word and a loss to me is not being able to call Neil or not being able to someday see my birth father face to face like I had hoped. People seizing to exist in human form is a loss. Not winning an award is truly not a loss. If you were me and knew the journey I endured to make it to the 48 hour film competition, then perhaps like me you may conclude I won big time.
I decided to take on the challenge after a meeting with the film commissioner. At the time I thought what a great way to get to know the local talent in front of and behind the scenes. I truly had no idea what to expect as I had never done anything like it. I can honestly say I was catapulted into growth. By the time November 30th rolled around I had my cast and crew as well as a concept that had come to me while running town lake. My work always had to deliver a message or it's not worth it to me and what had surfaced while running and was asking for an outlet was definitely worth exploring. It never dawned on me that I could get anything but drama. Part of the challenge was drawing elements from a bowl the night competition commenced that had to be in your film.
So when I drew comedy you should have seen my face. It was as Mike, our photographer called it, shock. How could I deliver a message in comedy? The urban/big city I could do but comedy? Travis, my co-writer/editor/confidant and god sent angel and I sat down and got to work. From 7 pm or so till midnight we wrote, scouted locations, gave call times and came up with a dark comedy in part thanks to creative consultant Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-e. My concept did not get thrown out and in a mere few hours I grew as an actor knowing I would have to go somewhere I had never gone before as Veronica. We came up with a dark comedy about choosing what voices we adhere to in life. Veronica would react to the voices, who showed up in physical form, on her road trip through the streets of life, as perhaps some wish they could but never do. Or perhaps some have. I would have to be mean in a funny way and that itself was a win for me. The opportunity to deliver a message in a different way.
It was to say the least, challenging but most of all fun! I had not had so much fun on a set in a long time. Blame in on the big Texas skies, the friendly cast and crew and their willingness to go wherever I took them through my vision and the over all ambiance but I knew on set I had a winner. It didn't matter if the judges saw one or not for I saw all the wins already. Guess who the actors were. Yes, the actors were from our Bearing Fruit auditions and in that I saw magic and a win. Timing as usual was everything and when all the elements aligned we finally worked together. The thought of that alone makes me smile. Thinking back on a year ago and how I had to let them all know I opted out of film option terms so I would no longer produce it. How it broke my heart but how standing up for my production and myself and not handing creative control over or sharing it under certain terms given made my decision easy and yet a loss of all the people I had put together. Yet here we were on God's time making magic.
I've worked on a lot of sets from the small like mine, to the million dollar Dodge campaign were I met my northern star and yet I have never experienced a crew and actors like this. All of my experiences have something but this one, this one was magical. Perfectly timed and because of its magic two films were born. I trusted them so much I knew we could also do a drama version which would more clearly deliver the message that while the darkness can seem prominent it is indeed up to us to choose the light. To carry and heed to the voice that supports us. I don't consider this 48 hour journey's inability to produce a first, second, third place award a loss.
I consider the timing of crossing paths with David Harper, Martha Prentiss, Chloe Kissner, Marco Martinez, Erika Martinez, Stephanie Kissner, Jerry Henderson, Lauren Pruitt, Roseann Garcia, DJ Veliz, Raymond Daniel, Melo, Mike Rushton and especially Travis McGehee a win if I have ever known one. I consider watching a female DP, Lauren, lead a crew with such grace and patience, a win if I ever saw one. I tried to hire as many women as possible before to support women in film, but talent must come first, and it hadn't worked out. Then here in Texas on its own and through the flow of the universe and guidance of God it did, and with it came a female AC. I could sit here and go on forever on wins. I did a retro film in the 60's, which I LOVE. I wrote a comedy. I wrote a comedy. Me? Queen of all things serious. Yes it was a dramedy but it was comedy. ;-) I proved to myself that what did not kill me did indeed make me stronger and that in a year I went from crying in my mom's home in Texas as I moved out of my LA apartment and came home for Christmas to coming to her home, filling it up with equipment, food, props, wardrobe etc. to make a film, almost a year later.
In the room I slept in while I shot in San Antonio a few weeks ago, I had cried a year before while shooting my documentary. Questioning where it was all leading. Trying to stay positive while loosing my apartment, my commercial and film in one month. The same year my agent dropped me two months after my birth father passed, and he passed three months after Neil. I questioned how I would possibly get up and gather strength to move even saying to God during an extremely non-stop turbulent flight to Texas, "I'm really tired God, if you want to put me to sleep eternally, I'm so okay with that right now." I was accepting a will I thought would be his as the stewardess were asked to take their seats. I thought an end to the pain of true loss was coming. So I closed my eyes and leaned back and accepted what I thought was God's will.
As I write that I can't believe where walking on faith took me and I am grateful I was wrong about God's will. Had I not chosen to hold on hope and stay in faith I would have stopped adhering to my belief that all is always as it should be and in my best interest for my growth as a spirit in a physical world. I would not have met the beauty of nature on town lake. I wouldn't have crossed paths with Desiree again. I would have not helped my mom set up her new shop and organize my sister's flower shop. Most of all I would not have taken a Road Trip with the Devil and lived to tell you about it. I would have not been able to follow my Northern Star and in the end believe in me like it did. I wouldn't have followed its light. Pink light. ;-)
This will all make sense after the drama version sees the light in 2013. This was what was born in the film competition.
So as I come down from the high of it all I see win after win after win and I do not need a panel of JUDGES to tell me if I'm a winner in life or not. The thing about life is that if we wait for others to validate us or our work we take from the journey that led us there. That's where it is at for me. No one, beside God and the universe, is ever going to know the depth of my journey and what it takes to make the impossible, possible. Which is why the constantly reward me by crossing my path with amazing I mean amazing souls! My friend Carlos worked diligently, while on tour in Europe, to get his friends Kristian and Shawn to donate music to my film. Indeed as Shawn sings below it's a beautiful life. One that allowed me to discover him and Kristian and many other talented souls willing to work as a team to make a dream come true. I am a blessed "looser", don't you think? May your journey allow you to see what a winner you are simply by having the desire to dream the impossible dream. Anything after that is icing on the cake. Oh and just in case your wondering, yes I would have liked to win the actual award but I'm grateful my journey for now is about knowing how win in other ways. This young man is our soundtrack to Road Trip with the Devil. His soulful voice will help deliver the message and if its not clear to me now than it never will be, all is as it should be.
To hear more of Shawn visit www.shawnpander.com and to see where all this is headed, stayed tuned to the road trip.
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