Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The one hundred fifty dollar miracle!

On September 7, 2011 Randy and I decided to shoot a trailer for Bearing Fruit in an effort to help us raise the money for the film after the Investor backed out on backing the film the week my father passed. Since then I have tried as best as I can to move forward, secure funding once again even through grants all while healing. A deadline is upon us so this was what we came up with to try and move forward. We had no budget so all we could rely on were favors and as I see it God, the universe and all my angels. Now would be a good time to say that is strictly my view and opinion not the entire Bearing Fruit production team. Now would also be a good time to say it worked and a $100 dollar miracle was born!!!

In a week and a half we recast some of the original cast, hired crew, extras, secured locations, catered, got props, etc. and quite frankly shot a short even though only a trailer was the original intention. Yet again I saw what is born of faith. However none of this would have been possible if it weren't for all the amazing people God and the universe conspired to cross our paths with. We needed restaurants, homes, apartments and so much in such little time. Everyone also had to be willing to let us use everything without us having insurance and everyone working on the film from crew to actor had to come do it for free. Oh and did I mention we also had to have all the equipment from camera to lights for free? When I say we had no budget I mean we had no budget. Originally I out of pocketed one hundred dollars for the food but then someone crossed our path who wanted to donate that to the production asking for nothing in return but I could not let that be the case. I offered a credit, which they declined saying the just wanted to be of service. AMAZING!! Yes it's one hundred dollars but it's the act that counts not the amount.

Randy and I worked non-stop from September 7 to the day we hit the set on September 17 and then the other work began. The we are so blessed to be able to do this work! The fun stuff on the set. As I looked around I was amazed at what we had pulled of in ten days. I kept thinking about how when the universe shows up and asks you to step into something really daunting and big and you actually do, magic happens. So many amazing friends, new and old, showed up to support us knowing of our impending deadline and also about all the work we've put in not only trying to get the film made but developing the script as well into something we could all proudly put our names on. Something with the writer's amazing and unique storyline that also held no stereotypes. Where people are looked at as people trying to figure life out and race, etc. is secondary. After being on the set I can the mission was accomplished.

Led by our DP Drew Gayner we shot for two days straight a thirty page script. Kind of. This is where it became a bit tricky. In an effort to put the best of the best in the trailer and make it something that captures people's attention Randy put together a thirty page script. You should have seen my face when I saw what he wanted to do. I joked "you do realize this is on no budget?" After all I had shot fifteen pages for The Experimental Witch for the cost of $7,500 and that was without Neil charging me and we shot for three days. He wanted to accomplish so much in such little time but I knew what God and the universe were asking of me so I stepped into it and trusted that I would be guided through it. Did I mention I am also the lead? LINE? ;-) Instead of letting fear take over me we compromised as Randy and I have learned to in the past year. He could shoot all that but we would have to add a day. The one hundred dollar miracle became the one hundred fifty dollar miracle but still can you believe it? We did it! We freaking did it!!!! We shot thirty pages on one hundred and fifty dollars!

I've seen about close to two minutes of trailer footage without color correction, final music, etc. so a very rough cut and I am so proud of everyone! I keep thinking about how with my first production, The Art of Being, I had next to no money but I did it. Then after I won the award and took it on tour I out of pocketed $20,000 which I never recouped. After that with The Experimental Witch I out of pocketed $10,000 after all the shipping to Italy and made $3,700 back as the competition's winner. As you can see the company hasn't really brought money in and that is why without an Investor a miracle had to be produced. What I was left thinking is how magical life is. How what you believe is what you create and how if you can really open your heart to the endless possibilities you co create them with God, the universe conspires and your dreams are manifested even when it appears that you have NOTHING! Appears is the key word. You see I may have lost most of the money I invested but I gained a huge thing no amount of money can give you, FAITH!

I wonder how much I would have really learned in the years my indie company came to life if everything was handed to me. I wonder what my life would be like if I didn't have to navigate the darkness of the unknown to get to the magic. One of the things that stands out the most for me is that while some have seen my choices as poor since I am not sitting on a pile of money and their judgement caused us to part ways mostly I have learned about the kindness of the human spirit. In order to succeed in anything you need help. Basically we need eachother and while I may be the one steering the ship through the stormy waters I know for a fact that without everyone who has chosen to come on board and light the way with their inner light we would not have reached our destination this time or any production in the past. I whole heartily believe that what you invest in the world and humanity is what you invest in yourself and it comes back when you need it most if you are able to see it.

I am and I am grateful for all the following people who are the dreamers behind the one hundred fifty dollar miracle called the "Bearing Fruit" trailer. God and the universe for crossing our paths with the following people Ruben Garfias, Michael Mullen, Carlos Acuna, Sheila Hart, Benjamin Lutz, Hans Hernke, Drew Gayner, Adam, Vanessa, Michael Huang, Lisa Skarveles, Hannah and Neil Lisk, Mercedes Cortazar Ferguson, Eric Schwartz, Finian Makepeace, Susan and Jim Vopicka, Bev and Herb Bishop, Alejandro Ortiz and Ingrid Smart at Cassanova Pendrill, Sarah and Grant Smith, Pamela Corey, James Duenas, Mercedes Garza, Lizanne Keigley, Laura and Emily Froust, Andy Forrest, Jon~Cienna and Danielle Artigo, Leo Ibanez, Nicole and Vince Shultz, Jason Mraz and Diane Wagner at WMG Publishing, Blanca Valdez and Blanca Valdez Casting, Jerry Gabaldon and the Pacific Arts Dance Center, Ayesha Jarnegan, Josefa Salinas, Ryland Engelhart and Cary Moiser at Cafe Gratitude, Kellie and Adam Guerrero, Jake Versluis, Areli and Karina Paredes, Eve Muller, Kunal Rajan and last but not least the man who provides all my headaches, Paul Rodriguez. ;-) VERY SPECIAL THANKS to my partner in the arts for the over a year now our film's director, Randy Kent! Thank you for believing in me, the film and my overall mission. The universe will conspire. I promise! Timing IS everything! Most of all John Rincon thank you for giving us all a job to do with your unique screenplay!!!

You see it may have only taken one hundred and fifty dollars BUT without all these people that would not have been possible proving yet again that money doesn't make the dream a reality entirely on its own. For me without eachother we are just dreamers but with eachother and faith we make that dream our reality! You can see behind the scenes pictures and videos at http://www.facebook.com/AdrianaGarzaProductions but here are a few good ones!

One day before the shoot and here is what is happening.

Day One on the Set at Cafe Gratitude Los Angeles.

Day One on the set continued.....

Day One on the set continued....

Day Two on the set commences in Austin aka Laguna Hills, CA.

Day Three on the set. Rehearsing a dance scene and as you will see I love to mess with Randy.

Today as we make our way through post production I am so grateful for all my angels, for the courage Randy and I had in moving forward through the unknown and most of all I am grateful for my understanding of timing and for trusting that when others want outcomes on their time is it okay for me to sit and breathe my way through it. To trust myself and know that when the time has come to move I will know. There were those who tried hard to push this caterpillar out of its cocoon before my healing was done so their dreams could be made a reality on their time. I am so blessed and beyond grateful God and the universe did not allow it as every moment, every action and every person whose crossed my path in the year since I optioned the script arrived right on time to help light my way and guide me here. A time when this trailer would arrive, God's time. It's the only time for me to arrive on because that is the time when the magic and miracles appear.

As I breathe my way through the unknown and continue to trust in its magic I leave you with a gem to remind you all is as it should be especially in moments when doubt comes to befriend you. May you see the blessings and the angels that help you manifest your dreams too as I am certain they are there! After all it's all in how we choose to see life on life's terms. Don't forget to be breathe and in doing so I hope you too are graced with the presence of abundance and gratitude even if it APPEARS different to others. All that matters is what you see. May you see the miracle that is LIFE! "There are two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as thought everything is a miracle!" A. Einstein...the choice is yours!

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