There truly was never a bad or unattractive place in sight. Wherever I turned I saw beauty and as much as this may have to do with me choosing to see beauty based on how I see life it also has to do with the fact that it is ANCIENT ROME! Take a look at these pictures. I was mesmerized by the sky in Rome so much I was constantly trying to frame my pictures around it.

I took over 800 pictures and made an album with 178. It was hard to narrow it down that much but I did it. You can take a look at all my pictures by clicking here
I took in the city and can honestly say I was fully present. UNICEF knew I'd be gone so anything relating to them waited until my return as did emailing with friends. I did a mass email to let everyone know how well the premiere went, did occasional updates on facebook but pretty much tried to stay away from the computer. Mostly because I wanted to be in ROME and nowhere else and well because the young man at the internet cafe was very persistent that I go out with him. It is true what they say about Italian men, they do come on strong. ;-) He told me in front of Bev what a great lover he was. Not sure who that works with but not with this lady. I laughed it off and went on about enjoying all the beauty my eyes witnessed.
From Fontana Trevi, to Ancient Rome to the Vatican and then some. We did it all! Bev had not been there in over twenty years so she was willing to do all I wanted to do again. ;-) One day we met up with Jessica and had lots of fun walking in the rain while heading to Strega Cafe meaning Witch Cafe, which was perfectly fitting as we were there for The Witch of Portobello/The Experimental Witch premiere. En route there we stopped at Fontana Trevi of course we splashed ourselves in water at hoping for soulmates. ;-) Take a look at girls just having fun.
For me one of the surprises Rome treated me to was an unexpected friendship which has me thinking of the lingering effects of that magical city. If you have read my blogs you know all about the journey that led me there
and the experience of the film's premiere but what you don't know is what I was not expecting at all and that which has come to be. I expected to see Paulo, take in the city, witness the film with an audience and be grateful at all times for what I was blessed to be living. What I did not expect was to set eyes on Alex and consider him one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen.
I have to point out that he is extremely talented as well and it was obvious when his work was seen on screen as part of the final film. What has caught me off guard the most was that I can talk to him and we speak the same language. It is very interesting and comforting to sit with someone in my age range male who I can openly converse with about my beliefs and him about his. I found this out as he came to Los Angeles from Europe and we got to hang out allowing us get to know eachother better. I hope and pray that no matter how far away he is this is just the beginning of our friendship. Honestly all I can do is trust that if our paths are meant to cross again they will. My time with him reminded me to expect the unexpected because it truly is in what the unknown brings that magic lies.
Today as I move forward into the unknown leaving magical Rome behind and work my way through the uncertainty of what comes next for me, I know one thing surely is true for me because of everything I have lived. I have grown to be comfortable in the discomfort the darkness of walking my way through the unknown brings. All I have lived has taught me that magic truly lies in the most unlikely of places. Most of all I'd like to never forget that I ended up in Magical Rome because I didn't give me up for the limited love my boyfriend at the time had to offer. I stood by me knowing God was always with me. I feel the need to leave you with this quote hoping it'll help you work your way through the unknown into the beauty of your very own creation intended just for you. "Remember always that you have not only the right to be an individual; you have the OBLIGATION to be one. You can not make any useful contribution in life unless you do so." From the very wise Eleanor Roosevelt. Now go on and summon your courage to live your way through the unknown into YOUR magical life, it's awaiting you!
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