Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The perfect timing of Sinchronicity.

On a cold Friday evening in April of this year I took Zoey to see a friend's documentary in hopes that it would open her up to see things in a different light. May I be Frank is all about a belief I know is certain for me, we are what we eat. I hoped that at thirteen she could start to get things that I got way later on in life and maybe she could learn to take care of herself and her health simply by witnessing what it had done for others to do so. I had not purchased a ticket so I stood outside in line hugging Zoey to keep her warm and was promised that even though it was sold out we would get in. Shortly after a young woman came and stood behind us. She had a very warm feel to her. Her energy seemed loving and calm and so we started to chat. Once we went in we sat in separate areas of the venue but that would not be the last I would hear of her.

I am amazed by the wonderful magic of facebook if it used for the right purposes as I fear too much technology can not be good for anyone. What happened to the days when you would find out about people by sitting across from them for a coffee date? I miss those days. Now it's all about facebook and the life you can pretend to lead. That to me is the downfall of technology but the gift is that I can keep in touch with my friends and family in Mexico and Europe and I can reconnect with my bestfriend from elementary like I did last year. Turns out all this time she's lived an hour away! Well thanks to Facebook Dani who I met at the screening and I reconnected. She sent me an email that put a smile on my face because it was then that I found out she worked at Hay House Publishing. Coincidence? I think not.

In 2002 when I first began therapy I lived by the work of Louise L. Hay, "You can heal your life". It truly was essential in my progress and thought me a whole new way of thinking. Flash forward eight years and I was crossing paths with Dani. I won't tell you everything she has done because like any giving humble person I know they don't like to have all their good deeds aired but I will share this. This past year has been a beautiful mess as I have mentioned before. April 20 brought with it a lot of things but most of all the lesson of who my true friends really are. When things got really tough for me I saw that the people I thought I could count on the most jumped ship when the waters got too stormy and while they did so they let me know exactly what they thought of me for navigating into such a storm. Judgement was handed to me left and right by the people who had stood by me for 14 years and 5 five years respectively. It was a hard rude awakening and one I am still healing from.

If one of my biggest flaws is believing in the good in people regardless of what they show you then I'll take it. I never want to stop believing that at any moment someone could awaken to the lesson before them and make the shift. Which brings me to Dani. While I lost two friends I've gained a few since and actually people who I thought didn't support me or my work stepped in to do so along with those who always have. Since she has come into my life she has been able to remind me of all I've learned and at the same time all I have yet to venture into. All the lessons that life is still preparing for me. Something she really won't know of until she reads this and that is why I consider life to be magical!

At some point in time just when God and the universe know we are ready to receive the information needed on our journey to be able to soldier on someone crosses our path to help us along the way. An everyday angel. It doesn't have to come with a halo and flashing lights descending from the skies. They can come in the silence and mundane of everyday life with certainty that only you can understand. A knowing that God or whatever you believe in is showing itself to you. That is what Dani has done for me. When the words of those labeled as my best friends condemned me, my actions and the life I have chosen to live God sent Dani to show me once again that I am not wrong for dancing to the music that only I can hear and for accepting that life is not about the storms that will come but about my ability to dance in them. Some people couldn't dance in them with me but I am grateful for what they taught me about myself in the process by leaving.

Last night was a reality for me because of Dani. Last year I saw a film called "From Ambition to Meaning", which has now been changed to the "The Shift". Ahhh the shift. In 2006 I witnessed that shift happen in my life. Through the book and the film Wayne Dyer teaches that when you are aligned with your purpose the shift takes place and things flow while doors open you never knew existed and the possibilities are endless. I had come to understand this after ten years of not following my purpose. Once I decided that I would only do work that contributed to humanity in a positive way and gave a voice to EVERYONE regardless of sexual orientation, shape, race, religious views the universe sung open its doors and the people that began to cross paths with me astounded me. People of like minds who whether they were actively being their words or not still had it in them to want to follow their purpose. People who see how precious life is and how our evolution depends on us helping one another align with our purpose. As I write this I realize that the two beautiful souls who no longer accompany me on my journey left because their lesson was done and all their gifts to my life had been given and for all they gave to my journey I am extremely grateful even if their exit was not so graceful. I won't ever allow anyone anymore ever again to make me feel like who I was born to be is wrong in any way, shape or form and therefore in exchange I will always provide you in my presence with a place to be. Simply be.

Last night as I sat in the auditorium listening to Wayne Dyer I thought of Dani and how that night we both showed up with no tickets and because of that simple choice an extraordinary thing came to be. I heard so many amazing things last night. Things I knew of, which echoed the song my heart sings and helped me not feel so alone and things I am open to working on and trying to understand. Things that are going to be bringing many teachers into my life to help me continue to make the shift from ambition to meaning. What resonated the most and has been showing itself in my life all year is that now is the time to apply the shift to my love life. I have excelled like any student striving for an A at applying the shift to my work life and therefore I have ended up in class with GLAMOUR magazine, Jason Mraz, Paulo Coelho and many other amazing students of life. However due to many factors I've struggled to try and get into the Honors class of LOVE where UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is offered. So after last night I once again heard clearly that this the year that I willingly and with awareness sign up for the class but not only do I sign up I will actually get in and apply myself. ;-) Wherever you are, whoever you are I know that you will show up right on time. Not a minute too soon or a minute too late but just on time when we are both open to the other and ready for our journey together.

I will leave you with this beautiful song. I heard this version with dolphins for the first time last night. If you don't know the story of AMAZING GRACE I suggest you rent the film, which came out about four years ago. It is the story of William Wilberforce who worked intensely hard to abolish the slave trade and one of the teachers God and the universe put on his path was the man behind AMAZING GRACE as you will see in the film. As it was played last night tears rolled down my eyes because once again I heard and saw God as only I can. I was so inspired or as Wayne Dyer says, In Spirit, to continue to walk the road I am on, follow the signs and be ready for the miracles. For you I have many wishes but for today I wish you the ability to know that you attract what you are as Mr. Dyer reminded me, and therefore I wish that you allow your journey to show you that you are LOVE! Dani, if you ever wondered if your existence and journey was of importance to anyone now you know. Thank you for helping me along the way during during what unbeknowst to you are my dark hours. I will carry you with me always!

P.S. God thank you for sending Dani. I see you! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I so relate to this...

    "... one of my biggest flaws is believing in the good in people regardless of what they show you..."

    and I often struggle with it... because having that quality often makes me feel naive. Having an open mind and heart is difficult because I am easily "fooled" by what people "want" me to see...

    I try to rectify this by thinking that maybe it's not what THEY want me to see... but instead what "I" want to see in them... maybe... just maybe. :)
