Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong." "You didn't think that I'd come back. I'd come back swinging." I'd hate to admit it but for a while you had me doubting not if I'd come back but just how powerful my swing could be and if I could stop telling myself the story of last year, other than in the edit bay for the documentary, and LIVE in the now, life AFTER loss.
As you witnessed this morning I finally deciphered the signs! Yet again I feel like I am dreaming just like I did the first time GLAMOUR called me to tell me I was a finalist for the Toyota Moving Forward Award. The same way I felt again when I saw my name just as I had envisioned for months as it appeared when I was named the winner of Paulo Coelh's The Experimental Witch International Film Competition. And of course the way I felt as I was getting ready to walk the red carpet in Rome with Paulo Coelho at our film's premiere and I looked up and said to God, "You, you did it again." And well God did it again and you dearest darkness have got to go.
It's time to watch the storm clouds that descend with your arrival, ascend with your departure and it's time to showcase the light the sun brings on God's time with this END (Entirely New Direction) and to welcome the new beginning I have deciphered the END of my documentary will birth. You have served your purpose and without you I wouldn't be able to call the miracle unfolding before my eyes a miracle, so THANK YOU for showing me the way back to my inner light and gifting me with the willingness to choose it over you.
As you know these past few days we met in the battlefield and you came heavily armed when I was most vulnerable, at night, and attacked. I would wake and remind you of my faith while I clutched my LOVE pillow tightly. The light aka God will let us both know it's got it and when I woke up today and deciphered the signs, lack of clarity did not afford me during your stay, I got what all the signs peaced (intended) together meant. It became very clear.
As it did I am sure to your dismay you heard the OMG!!!!, and witnessed my countless smile followed by my dance to magic. Yes this is the part of the relationship that is always hard to do but in my case easy to accept, it's time to part ways. Before we do I would like to say thank you for showing me once again, who I am, what I am made of, who I am not and just how much I can bend without breaking. Most of all how beautiful it is to arrive at this journey's destination, the sunshine conviction brings and watch the storm clouds of doubt become a thing of the past.
It's time once again to part ways so as I bid you farewell I thank you for teaching me how not to give up!
I thank you for teaching me how live beyond my fears!
Skateboarding with PRod for "And She Danced, Life after loss" from Adriana Garza on Vimeo.
And accept the magic that can only be born from learning that life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain. I've done that and NOW it's time to dance in the magic of "God's gifts putting dreams to shame." YOU know exactly what I mean.
"You're getting hot! Steaming hot! Really HOT!! Ouch, you're so hot! Smoking, red-hot-chili-pepper, volcano, extremely, DOUBLE-HOT! HOT! HOT! NOW, Adri, NOW-W-W-W-W-W-W!"
I $l%o^v1e you,
The Universe"
I've been signaled, I've got the magic in me! Time to reveal it.
Warm regards,
The light embodied in Adri