Friday, January 1, 2010

I resolve to love this entirely new direction! Welcome 2010!

2009 has come to an end its time to head in an ENTIRELY NEW DIRECTION! So I awoke inspired to write which I have not been for a while as you can tell by my lack of posts. But this morning in my fresh new journal which has this quote on the cover, " The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of the their dreams" and was a birthday gift my resolutions poured out of me and below is exactly how they appear in my journal.

I resolve to love more, live in the present moment more, to accept others just as they are, to be kind, loving, caring, compassionate. To know when to let go and when to press on. To take every lesson and GROW GROW GROW even when I just want the lesson to be done with. To continue to follow the signs no matter the challenges of the journey they lead me on for I trust in the wisdom of God and the universe enough to know the destination will exceed my dreams and expectations. I resolve to never loose hope and faith, to forgive more, to be me more and to encourage others to be themselves more in life and through my work. I resolve to continue to rely on miracles by working hard to make them my reality while believing in them.

I resolve to LOVE LOVE LOVE with every part of my being and this year I resolve to being open to receiving LOVE LOVE LOVE back unconditionally for I am worthy of being loved just as I am and just as God created and is creating me. I resolve to accept what is and not what I wish was. To continue to believe that saving lives IS IN THE UNSEEN THINGS WE DO EVERYDAY which receive no praise and are between me, God, and the universe. To be humble NO MATTER what I accomplish for the law of gravity applies to everyone and everything. To continue to believe that my worth is NOT based on what I look like or accomplish but how I react to what I look like and accomplish while remembering that people see the world as they are not as it is and will measure my beauty and success by how they feel inside so when people belittle me, my looks, my work, or my life I resolve to turn them over to God, send them light, hug them, and wish them the ability to define life, beauty, and success themselves so the judge disappears from their being.

I resolve to continue to love myself just as I am- lengthy, passionate, stubborn, a believer in the unseen, willing to live by this quote, "In matters of style swim with the current in matters of principle stand like a rock." T. Jefferson (actually wouldn't encourage swimming with the current in matters of style because it takes your individuality) ;-) etc.- while remembering that I am a work in progress where progress not (non-existent) perfection is my goal. I resolve to not only treat others and the planet with absolute love but myself too for I see that it is when I love myself just as I am that I am able to see every challenge, coincidence (don't believe in those) ;-), and life happening on life's terms as beautiful and just what God and the universe conspired to bring into my life to help me grow into someone far more than I dreamt for myself I could be. I resolve to love my family more, be more patient with their concerns, and thank God for them. After all in one way or another without them I would definitely not be me!

I just heard in the background on the Tournament of Roses parade the host introduce captain Sculley as a cut above the rest so I resolve to remind myself and others that labels are someones perception of something and that NO ONE is a cut above the rest because we are all EQUALS and EQUALLY UNIQUE with gifts that the challenges of life allow us to see for it is in standing in the fire surrounded by the flames of fear that we find out exactly who we are and how much courage we have. Therefore I resolve that everytime the flames of fear try to consume me and knock at my door I will take deep breaths and let faith answer.

I resolve to forgive myself when I can't love myself just as I am. I resolve to forgive others more. I sit in gratitude for all I have lived, am about to live, can see and not see, all who have crossed my path and impacted my life by accepting me or not accepting me. So I resolve to BE LOVE when hate arrives, to BE COURAGE when fear pursues me, to HAVE HOPE when what I see before me tries to persuade me otherwise, and most of all I resolve to continue to trust in the wisdom of God and the universe that when I follow the signs I live the life I am meant to which means I live out my dreams and encourage others to do so all while we take care of eachother, the planet, universe, and all we can not see which is impacted by every action we take. I resolve to continue to put my words into action. I RESOLVE TO LOVE 2010 AND ITS ENTIRELY NEW DIRECTION WHICH I AM READY TO BE GUIDED TOWARDS AS GOD IS MY COMPASS AND WHERE GOD LEADS I WILL GLADLY FOLLOW.

My dream for you is to imagine always that infinite possibilities are born of faith and dreams. BLESSED 2010 to you!


  1. I resolve to keep loving you! HAPPY NEW YEAR dear friend!!!

  2. The END is a beautiful way to begin. Happy New Year from me too...

  3. Blessed 2010 to you Adriana :-)

    love love love

