I am tired to say the least. If you have been following my blog you know its been quite the journey from changing venues two weeks prior to the show to changing the date to accommodate the prior venue. The list is endless. I have grown in so many ways in the past few months. I've proven to myself yet again of what I can accomplish when I follow the signs. It's how I believe God communicates with me. By sending me signs that will guide me to a path that is best for me and my journey. One thing I must make clear is that as much as it chooses me I have to be willing to choose it. What I mean is when the sign came that was leading me to work with UNICEF for six months free of charge I could have said thanks but no thanks. I don't have to follow the signs. I choose to.
Why you may ask? You'd have to be me to fully grasp that but it has a lot to do with knowing that when I do my journey takes me to a magical place, a place which dreams are made of because I am truly following my heart and passion! I've taken the road where I control everything and know where I am headed. While I have known exactly what I am driving towards I haven't really lived anything beyond the known, obviously. I prefer to navigate the unknown these days which means I risk a lot but I believe in order to reap a lot you have to risk a lot! This UNICEF journey has taught me one huge lesson! A lot of people would like to be there to reap the rewards but have little desire in keeping the soil fertile or tending to their garden once they have planted it. I have had to work with a lot of people and a lot of personalities and it has been quite the journey full of amazing teachers. The most constant ones were teachers of patience.
As I think back on the past few months I think of everything I made my way through and one thing comes to mind when I think of how I made it to today. After all I had no paycheck at the end of my rainbow but I had the children. It was and will always be about the children for me. As thankful as I am for everyone who has been a part of making this happen this without a doubt from day one has been about the children for me. Trust me otherwise there would have been no point. I had a lot of people pulling me in all directions, requesting a lot from me, and then there were those whose mere lack of interest overall made my job harder by their lack of responses etc. I had people who had to report to me and people I had to report to in order for things to get done. Did it always work out smoothly, nope, and it was then that I would close my eyes and see this.
I am not complaining simply explaining what producing entails. Producing independently on extremely tight budgets is something I have been doing for fours years and counting. I pride myself in my ability to bring together amazing sponsors talent, etc. People ask me how I am able to secure what I do. The answer to that is simple. It's because of what I stand for or am standing behind. Humanity, UNICEF, creativity that inspires others to accept themselves. Nothing in the end benefits solely me. I work for you and me and I don't have to know you. I was born with something instilled in me, a conscious. ;-) You have it too but time and life on life's terms can take it from you. I am not by any means perfect, not even close- don't even believe in perfection but I do pay attention to life and learn from each journey and the lesson it brings.
I get quite clearly how quickly life can change. I believe change is the only constant thing so I live by one rule and one rule only, FOLLOW YOUR PASSION! Life is too damn short for anything else. I wish I could tell you so many things I have risked recently and how deep in faith I have to be right now to move forward everyday but that will come in due time. After all timing is everything. You can't pull a butterfly from its cocoon too early or its wings won't spread. In due time this butterfly will blog about her six month metamorphosis in detail.
Last night today's excitement kept me up. An event six months in the making is here!!! Thanks to ALL OUR efforts the children of Haiti, Togo, Central African Republic, Vietnam, and Guatemala will taste clean water. As I write that as proud as I am I will remain dumbfounded that it took all this to allow that to happen for them therefore making it a privilege. It should not be and therefore I vow to continue to raise awareness about the Global Water Crisis. This for me is just the beginning and one day as a someday UNICEF Ambassador I will be somewhere rejoicing with the children as they receive water from the pump for the first time.

I want to leave you with this thought, "A small group of thoughtful people can change the world indeed it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead. I used post this in my cast's itinerary when we toured with our play. Today as my dream becomes my reality I think of everyone who has stood beside me and lent a helping hand as I made my way through the unknown this journey took me on. People who were of service to me simply be listening when the challenges had me down or by being able to actually contribute to the event. My dream stays just a dream if angels aren't sent to me during my journey from dream to reality to help facilitate it. They deserve more than a name mention but for now that is what I can offer.
Today is a reality because of these people! My mom Mercedes Ferguson who finally let go of trying to understand why I would risk so much and just let me. My brothers and sisters especially Meche. The talent who came on board when this concert was a seed that had not blossomed- Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-E, The Makepeace Brothers, Gaby Moreno, and Alysse Fischer as well as their management teams. My amazing friend Jake who lent me Gaby and did not make me pay. ;-) Chris Carmena of Amoeba Music who always immediately gets the store to stand behind my work! My colleagues are amazing people who for SIX months did not get a dime - even out of pocketed expenses- to meet twice a week and prepare for World Water Week and our benefit! Nina, Ruby, Justin and Sarah I am going to miss you!! More than you will miss me saying "the universe will conspire." ;-) My friends Philly, Denah, Mary Queen, Danielle, Danielle R. Bev, Shari, Shanna, Gabriela, Leah, Andi,Rosie, Peace Love Kim, Sarah F., Kris, Jessie P., Silke, Josefa, Luis, and many others have in one way or another helped out by listening, reposting my post, posting their own, etc.!! Jason Mraz for posting a UNICEF Tap Project blog
today. GLAMOUR magazine who also gets behind what I do. This time by placing ads like this one!

Most of all the people who started me on this journey. Alejandro Ortiz and Gil Arevalo of Cassanova Pendrill who not only thought me able to carry their concept of an amazing UNICEF commercial through but have become amazing friends and supporters of my journey! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE TO ENABLE ME TO FOLLOW MY HEART! Take a look at the commercial they cast me in which a year later is still going strong airing nationally and still picking up awards like it did this past Saturday at the Caribe Festival in Panama.
May your dreams become your reality too and I hope that in the process they make our beautiful planet a better place! See you tonight. You can still get tickets even if you can't attend, UNICEF still receives your donation and we could use it! UNICEF Los Angeles 3-24-10 Benefit concert tickets