Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Being good and angry. Inspiration from the most unlikely of places.

I can't believe an event that has been six months in the making is officially one week away. In one week I will get my Millions
, Danny Boyle film, ending.
The road there has been most interesting. Last night it found me thinking of what my therapist used to tell me, "Adriana you can be good and angry." To which I would think, "I am good and angry." As time passed I realized what she was saying was you can be a GOOD person and be ANGRY. You see I struggle with anger or any negative emotion because well its negative energy but being that I am a soul living a human experience things aren't necessarily black and white.

Most of my post on here are usually insights to what it takes to make a dream come true carrying with them mostly antidotes of overcoming obstacles to see my dreams become a reality in hopes of inspiring you the reader to never never never give up! Just reidiriating Winston Churchill's words. What is interesting about those words is that a lot of things, circumstances, and people can make you forget them if you allow them to. Last night I found inspiration to soldier on in the most unlikely of anger.

I would say that's not an emotion I often go around carrying because I know what we carry within spills over into our daily interactions with others. So why carry that? It doesn't mean I don't get angry it simply means I deal with it and let it go as best as I can. As I sat in a room full of people I heard words come from someone's mouth about rank and how someone shouldn't get something because they weren't high up on that person's ranking ladder of society and LA imposed stature. That is the one sure fire way to trigger anger in me. While I don't believe everyone has to believe like me I can honestly say believing in rank or society imposed status is far from something I believe in. I tried to keep my cool but as that person kept playing that card and had someone else back them with the same card well I lost it. By loosing it I mean I spoke up simply by uttering the words, "we are talking about a human being here."

And breathe!!!! It was then that I realized my teachers continue to be all around. Most of my teachers these days consist of patience for others beliefs. While I am huge on the belief that we must all honor what feel inside and let it be our art of being I don't want that to be confused with being okay with having people impose their LA nurtured, society driven beliefs on me. Especially pulling the rank card and forgetting that we are talking about human beings no matter their stature in their line of work. In my world we aren't defined by our wallets, gender, or possessions simply by the character we choose to develop with those things which we were given and had no choice in picking.

I was angry and dealt with it as best as I could and most of all drew inspiration from it to continue to work towards what feels right to me putting positive energy into my life. In researching equality online I came across some pretty frightening statements about how it doesn't exist. Frightening only because if your soil isn't well tended to and you allow any seed to be planted in it and worse you water it than you might actually buy yourself a life with beliefs that don't remotely resemble your truest self simply because you didn't tend to your soil. My only hope is that the people who uttered these words about others not being deserving because they aren't high up on their rank ladder where simply speaking words from seeds that made their way into their soil when they weren't tending to it. Regardless if that is truly what they whole heartedly believe, that others aren't deserving of what a celebrity is, than I have this to say to them. "Whatever you want in life, other people are going to want it too. Believe in yourself enough to accept the idea that you have an EQUAL right to it."

Diane Sawyer has been quoted as saying that and I say it to the people whose words made me angry because once the anger has passed I can see clearly. What I see today are people who don't consider themselves equal and therefore apply that belief to others. It truly had nothing to do with anyone but them. To them, to you, to myself and to anyone I say that Martha Graham was very wise when she said, "There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action and because there is only one you in all of time, the expression is unique. And if YOU block it, it will never exist through any other medium and WILL BE LOST."

Don't let anyone's beliefs become yours unless you really want them to. Tend to your garden and remember you are here just one time around, this is no dress rehearsal, and in my view of the world the fact that we are in this together trying everyday as best as we can to LIVE and GROW our way through this gift called LIFE makes you my equal. Based on that belief I invite you to join us in helping our brothers and sisters share the same human right, clean water, by attending the UNICEF TAP PROJECT BENEFIT CONCERT MARCH 24th at THE ROXY ON SUNSET!

Check out a preview of our amazingly talented line up! See you on the 24th!

The evening's host, Comedian Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-E

Alysse Fischer

Gaby Moreno

The Makepeace Brothers

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