, should they have found their way here from his blog. Eventually I'll let go. Speaking of letting go guess what God and the universe have brought me to? With my help of course! Yes letting go and letting God. That is one of my favorite phrases ever followed by, "Or don't let go and be dragged." Hmmmm....I think I'll let go. Do I always do it perfectly? Ah no! Which is why I find myself in the lesson I am in these days. After all I co pilot my journey with God and the Universe so I help create my lessons and resistance to them only makes them last longer. Yipee for awareness!
So here I am completely aware of the fact that I have no concept of how to ask for help or receive the way I give, unless the giving comes by way of Toyota or Glamour i.e. corporations, but I don't know how to receive from friends. They say we are what we know, mostly what we learned in our childhoods, and I am the daughter of an independent strong woman who raised seven kids on her own. So guess what I became a strong independent woman who can do everything on her own. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll agree that the most common phrase to come out of my mouth when asked if I need help in any part of my life is, "I got it." I got it, I got it, I got it and God forbid I don't got it because I may come across as weak. Well guess what ladies and gentlemen this one I don't got and for the first time in my life I have pushed myself into a corner so tightly that I am unable to breathe and now I am oficially surrendering control and admiting that yes I don't have it and I need help. WOW....I can't believe I am admitting it at this level but it's about time.
You see I have spent the last few years of my life applying all of which life, four years in therapy, Al Anon, and all those books I read taught me, which means I have in complete awareness decided to live life as I see fit. Strictly being guided by God and the Universe as they speak to me through my intuition. I believe God prompts the Universe to send me signs to guide me to where I am MEANT to go which ends up leading to the road less traveled. A road I have to create all my own and as hard as it can seem sometimes when the journey down that road ends I end up at a place that is far beyond magical! A place where my dreams are exceeded and my faith, courage, strength, compassion, love and many other things have grown! As some of you may know I call it the metamorphisis. Just like the caterpillar metamorphisis it can be so not pretty at some points and dark but because of those moments my faith grows. For in those moments I have to choose and I choose to believe in all that I can not see and I can only feel in my heart, gut, and soul. I choose to acknowledge that because of those moments I have learned to walk by faith and not by sight. And yes here I am again still patiently awaiting the end of my metamorphisis and just like nature slowly becoming and getting ready to shed that cocoon and emerge a butterfly. Just like this. This is the quick version. ;-) The great things in life take time.
Take a look at these from the butterfly exhibit I took Zoe to at the Natural History Museum a few weeks ago. This turns....

Into this....tell me life isn't magical?! ;-)

However if there is anything my life has taught me is that everything I GROW through is about the lessons/journey and not the destination. Yes the destinations are great and I enjoy those moments when they present themselves but would all those moments have become a reality without the journey? Nope, not in my world. So here I am accepting in complete awareness that I backed myself into that corner facing the wall smooshing my nose so hard against it that I hit a point where I couldn't breathe. So I have surrended, dropped to my knees and conversed with God and the Universe. The great thing about that is that they love me no matter what! Even if I struggle to love me as I accept my mistake God and the Universe have my back. THIS I KNOW AND TRUST MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD! I know now that this lesson has stayed in my life longer than I desired because while everyone asked me if I needed help I proudly said, "Nope I got it." When in reality I knew I didn't have it and needed help.
Once I was able to admit that I can't do it all, handle everything, and be everyting to everyone, a few days ago, I began to ask for help. Guess what?! I was shot down left and right and I am thrilled!!! What? This from a woman who rarely drinks and doesn't do drugs, so you know I am telling you the truth completely sober or is it completely aware? ;-) You see I so get this I do. God and the universe never abandon me! Trust me they can show up for me in ways other human beings can't nor would I ever want to put the pressure on ANYONE to show up the way God and the Universe are about to. Everytime I summon them they never disappoint and I know they hear me and you!! All of us are heard we just have to be willing to let go of how WE WANT THINGS TO APPEAR and we will receive everything we dream of and more.
So my learning to ask for help I don't believe for one second is about the outcome because the universe has abundant supply to bestow that upon me which it knows I need. I believe it's about the lesson! I am learning to ask for help, something I dread, while continuing to trust that the help I need will arrive at just the right moment because like I've quoted before, "Whether or not it is clear to you no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." Max Ehrmann
So I am doing as I am being guided to while trusting that the outcome will be as magical as all the others have been and when the universe deems me ready to receive the help I need I will just like I have before, only this time I asked. ;-) I feel it happening! I will tell you what I told my friend Bev, "We shall see where this leads but with God and the universe with me as usual I know it'll be magical! I refuse to give in to fear my faith is too strong for that!"
Not only do I know my life to be magical but I also consider it wonderful and full of wonder. On my hikes these days I enter with what I always have,A Thousand Roads
by Lisa Gerrard (go to track 12 on the link), playing on my ipod as I witness the magic that awaits me behind the gates of Runyon where birds, the tallest trees I've seen, centipedes, coyotes, snakes, rabbits and many other beautiful creations surround me and astound me all as the universe whispers to me of that, which only I can understand for it is my interpretation of those whispers that create the life I live. Lately I've been listening to two other songs a lot too as I hike. I share them with you and after reading this my hope is that while we all may be learning our own lessons you realize that in the end we are in this together and if you so desire to call upon me for a helping hand I will gladly lend it and in return I will ask for your help too.
My friend Jesse introduced me to this song a little over a month ago via a link he sent me for his non-profit organization which I was using to send to my friends in asking for their help for his fundraiser. As I scrolled to the bottom on came this song while a video played. When I saw who it was I smiled at the universe....and now I hike to this song because I hope your view of the world allows you to see how wonderful life truly is. Something my hikes, my life, God and the universe indulge me with! LISTEN to the lyrics. ;-)
This song because I will continue to be in awe of fireflies as I walk down town lake back home in Austin, and when I lay my head on my pillow at night I will dream of being a fairy princess sailing on bed sheet sails with Max from Where the Wild Things Are and will wake the next morning and allow God and the Universe to guide me towards making those dreams a reality. This world, existence, the universe is truly magical. I hope you find it in you to open your eyes!
I loved reading that! Im so proud of you and asking for what I know you have had difficulty doing. How can I help you? :)
ReplyDeleteYour posts are lovely-thank you for bringing light into the world with them. I read your story on Freshness Factor a few weeks ago and was so inspired by the story of your meeting and so very happy for you. The universe truly does conspire to be abundance to us when we are "attituding" abundance and giving it back!!
ReplyDeleteI was raised a very strong woman as well and for many years refused to show what I interpreted as weakness. Only after several life events brought me to my knees did I realize sometimes help is all you can whisper to keep from screaming.
Experience is priceless. I really do believe that every happenstance truly has reason. I am also morphing and realize now that destiny comes in God's time BUT only when He deems we are READY and pray that it comes not a second before. It is a gift to be brought to your lowest point because there is an ascent to come. This one will be recognized and appreciated and SUSTAINABLE. You must love YOU before you can love anyone else, you must be grateful to have and you must experience to sustain and grow.
I am on the east coast but would like to offer my hand in any way I can. I belong to our local conservation group for the mountain creek system that I so treasure here and if there is some way I can be of assistance please let me know.
My e-mail is Jermaxwat@juno.com. I hope to hear from you and truly hope blessings keep coming your way. I know we don't know one another but after reading most of your blog I feel a connection to your spirit and as another woman healing and morphing, grateful to cheer a sister on!!!!
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ReplyDeleteShari I will email you a list of things I need help with soon and it can remind you of co -producing The Art of Being with me. ;-) HA! Kidding! I love you and thank you for asking!!!! How can I be of service to you?
ReplyDeleteLeah!! Wow!!! Your comment is truly a gift from the universe and I see God clearly communicating with me through you. The power of words!! I wrote this blog because above anything in life I always want to be HONEST. To share that from the struggles is born the extraordinary and that help I was being shot down for arrived this morning on God's time like things always do and like you said not a second before. People see so many beautiful things happen in my life that I always want to be sure I share with complete honesty the road I walk on and the journey it takes to make those things come to life. I will be emailing you later today as I am off to take my morning hike. What a blessing you are!
With gratitude!!