Thursday, September 29, 2011

I am a force of LOVE to be reckoned with.

The moment comes when you are cornered by false accusations, which are very different then perception as sometimes fear makes people flat out lie and it's such a crucial moment because this is when my ego wants to fight back. Usually profanity comes to mind and if I don't listen to my heart my mouth will open and speak words I WILL come to regret. My ability to stay still and wait for the words to come from my heart is what makes people believe I am weak. People can confuse love with stupidity and inability to take care of myself but that is far from the truth for me. The fact that I bring a different kind of weapon, my heart, to the battlefield confuses people. I choose to respond in love with love and while this isn't always my choice I work hard each time to chose it. Like I am now.

Once again that force is at it again making people believe they control my destiny. It quite never gets tired of showing up at moments when I already have a lot going on in life but I came to the realization that due to my immense growth in Faith in the last few years it is actually arriving right on time. Perhaps this time I am not the student but the teacher. I believe we are constantly one or the other depending on the lesson God has sent the universe to teach us. Perhaps I am both as while I will stand up and take care of myself I will also do it in love and show people that taking care of oneself does not mean taking someone else down in the process. I see this belief in life that if we don't beat others to the finish line we loose. I believe that if we don't beat others to the finish line we are simply being detoured to our road, which consists of a destiny that could only be made a reality by YOU! Unique you who possesses a kingdom of your own within you that holds your unique qualities that will create your unique success unlike anyone else's. If we are open to it we can see success in abundance.

I see that perception. I am able to do what no one else can in a way only I can and in the process I produce my destiny. Someone has come armed with fear yet again threatening to take what they believe they can. They have no idea that I understand that this is part of God's plan. They have come to teach me yet again about character, strength and courage. I hope that my part in this is to teach them about fighting with dignity. About doing what feels right without trying to take others down out of fear. I have unfortunately been cornered pretty badly so much that it is getting hard to breath with their constant harassment so now I have to "fight" back. Being in a corner is no bueno! No one puts baby in a corner. ;-) I would like to breathe the air that is here for all of us, which is by the way provided by a force much greater than this person. That is where it gets tricky. This person actually believes they control my oxygen and ability to breathe.

So I've prepared my case and lucky for me it's a good one because it's the truth. You see when you attack out of fear false evidence appears and Ewa answers. Any Avatar fans? That is my favorite line, "Ewa heard you!" That moment has come for me and not only has Ewa heard me, Ewa is always with me. My understanding of it that is. Which means no I will not try to belittle this person or attack with false accusations I will simply provide evidence that discredits all they are speaking. I have to say it is really sad in this day and age to see someone try so hard to discredit everything I have earned simply because I am a Mexican woman and add success to that and forget I've signed my death sentence. Racism is such a sad force but it's messing with someone who understands I am worthy because I am God's child created in love of love. So it's messing with the wrong God child. ;-)

That is how this force some call evil works. It invades people who can easily be taken over by it and attacks the light. I am light. I choose light. I like anyone can choose darkness and to be consumed by it especially with all the last two years has brought but that is not what I came to this existence to do. I came to carry the light. I came to be light and I came to help others honor their light. So to you Dear Sir I say, "See you on the battlefield. I will look the same yet you may notice more compassion, love and understanding while I provide my evidence. That is what is called the LIGHT." I too can command the wind sir. I have a hurricane in me that can strip away your fear if you dare to me. I AM LOVE!

I AM A FORCE OF LOVE TO BE RECKONED WITH! I will leave you with the words that provided me with comfort and solace after the most recent attack two days ago. Wait for the final shot, it's my favorite. When fear comes to you and tries to strip you of all that is good in you I hope you too can attend the battlefield armed with your heart on your sleeve and your light shining so brightly from within! "I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive, I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise, to FLY!" May you do the same and may your example help other fly away from fear towards the light! May you choose to be the light!

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