I have recently come to terms with the idea that outing my humanatarian efforts is not a bad thing. I used to want it to be between me, God and the universe. Our secret. After seeing the impact Jason has through his blog and how his community of friends on there react to his posts about taking care of eachother and the planet I thought what the heck. Sure my forum is not quite as big as his but I have never thought bigger is better and whole heartedly believe even one person can make a huge impact with their actions. Like I said in one of my monologues, When Faith meets Fate, onstage in The Art of Being, "Saving lives its in the little unseen things we do everyday!" And I'd like to add I'm outting them so that one more person can be inspired to be the change they wish to see in the world.
I am overwhelmed with joy, happiness, amazement and many other things because once again the signs are coming to life! Sooner that I expected I might add. Today was the day I was supposed to hear from the UNICEF headquarters in NY in regards to my position as a volunteer Ambassador for their Tap Project
. The same thing my commercial
is based on. A seven month commitment which makes me responsible for a lot of things like producing the fundraiser in Los Angeles, recruiting volunteers and restaurants but most importantly helping children in underdeveloped countries have a chance of getting what you and I can at any given moment we choose to, clean water.
Well yesterday when I was en route to my shoot with my friend Eric and Jason, Eric's friend, I got notified that I had been selected!! A day early I might add! I would also like to add that Jason did not know Eric and I were friends further making our connection more magical and Eric had no idea about the reposting of my blog on Jason's until I told him....oh yeah the universe is truly amazing! Take a look at the final product which was shown at LRO's Annual Fundraiser and which I produced, Jonathan and Bennett wrote, my editor Leslie took care of on set technicalities, and my former agent/amazing friend Danielle tagged along to make sure I didn't faint. So thanks to them, Josh, Jesse, and of course Eric and Jason for doing it!
Anyway my friends know that I have been a supporter of UNICEF for a long time so when the signs pointed to the commercial I was amazed and when they started to point to becoming an Ambassador to an organization I hold in high regards and whose work I deeply admire well all I could think of was THANK YOU GOD for prompting the Universe to guide me into living a life that is MAGICAL!!!
I had been feeling it coming on for a while now but this week on Monday I couldn't get this song
of out my head. As I took a very early hike I could literally feel the winds of change surround me and begin to take me in the direction I was meant to go. On my hikes is where I have my conversations with God, revel in the magic of the universe as the birds circle above and the trees shade me from the sometimes overwhelming heat. Most of all it's where I live my way into the answers when the butterfly appears as a sign that the metamorphisis is over and it's time to move forward.

So now I face my dreams as a reality and I begin to prepare for what turned out to be a magical universal conspiracy. You see when I had my intial interview with UNICEF and was told of the mandatory trip to NY for training I was given dates that may have to make me choose between my film's world premiere
in Rome and UNICEF. In my heart I knew the answer. You can't compare my two passions, the arts and humanatarian work, at all. They give me such different satisfaction and because of that I knew in my heart that I would go to UNICEF's training.
As I conversed with God and the universe I said it would pain me to not see my film's world premiere on the big screen with an audience after the amazing journey that brought me there but that I would understand that they knew what was best for me. I knew because I had repeatedly been taken through situations that had shown me my trust in their guidance was put to good use! Well this Monday, the day I felt the winds of change surround me, I found out that the premiere is on October 20th. So now it's the weekend in NY and a red eye to Rome Sunday night just in time for the premiere Tuesday night. Yes once more my trust has been put to good use.
Now details of how this will happen want to take over my being and strip me of my certainity. Well you see when you invest everything in your productions, three of your commercials go unaired in a row, and the money you win for the film competition is not even half of what your film cost well then yes it's obvious that I will have to rely once again on God and the Universe. Been paying attention to my blogs? I'm in good hands!! So far none of my sponsors have been able to donate an airline ticket but TRUST ME it's going to happen. I will make it to ROME. It's a good thing my journey has taught me to not only rely on miracles but expect them! Hope my story inspires you to follow your heart's beat and dance to the rhythm of your own drum. These are always with me to remind me of that which being a soul having a human experience can sometimes make me temporarily forget.

Oh yes my dear friends the magic has just begun....stay tuned......to be continued! "It's magic you know...NEVER believe it's not so!" ;-)
I have been singing 'oh oh oh its magic you know...never believe its not so' since I saw this earlier! I am so pleased for you getting the job - was there ever any doubt ;-) I actually had a tear in my eye when I read this (crazy I know considering I have never even met you!) I knew before I spoke to you that I wanted to get into doing charity work and have been taking an exceptional interest in the lack of water/proper sanitation in developing countries...I am going to look into the Tap Project in Australia..maybe it's a sign ;-) Thank you for sharing, always :-)
ReplyDeleteOverjoyed for you, Adriana Garza. Overjoyed! :)
ReplyDeleteROTFL...Adri...ha...your "studious" photo is hysterical! I love it...yes, magic, magic, magic...you WILL make it to Rome. Keep working on that Italian, Bella!
ReplyDeleteDo you believe in magic? YES!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read about what else happens for you.
Until then... all the best,