Honestly I am not one hundred percent sure why I am doing this. All I really wanted to do was ask someone a question on their blog and I ended up with a blog. So I figure maybe this is meant to be as you see I think everything is meant to be. If you are open and have awareness life really creates some beautiful moments for us to live. So when I went to name my blog I thought of my first beautiful moment. I should say my first beautiful moment in complete awareness. What I mean is the first time I realized life was communicating with me and guiding me. It's a long story and since I am still trying to figure out what I am doing here other than just wanting to ask a question on someone's blog I'll go into the explanation some other time.
But as usual that first beautiful moment brought me here to this very moment today. My play The Art of Being was the first thing that came from me! Before that I was living life according to Hollywood's terms but after ten years of doing that, repeating a pattern, I said enough! I decided to do things on my terms acknowledging that deep down inside that the last thing I cared about was what others or myself looked like on the outside. The thing Hollywood is obssessed with. I've always thought of us as souls and The Art of Being would give me the opportunity to not only voice my belief but back something I truly believed in. Afterall which one of us ever got to choose what we look like? Just saying.
So here I am today feeling the need to write this. No I don't look like my profile picture but she's a huge part of me. Always will be and I am thankful I met her. What I mean is I am glad I was treated like an outsider and a dork who didn't even have her own name in junior high. I was simply Merecedes' sister. Thanks to that I grew in character. I learned what was truly important in life and because of that time in my life and many other moments I learned to simply be me. I learned that individuality is a gift we all possess and can choose to honor but I also learned that society does not honor individuality. They are threatened by it. Afterall what would they sell if we all listened to ourselves and trusted ourselves?
So how do I stay alfoat in the town of superficiality and cristicism where every conversation is about what size someone is or how their work could be better and nothing is ever enough? I have come understand that when someone says something is not enough they feel they are not enough and therefore it's a projection. I also cling on to my understanding of God for dear life, trust myself, follow the signs sent to me by the universe and trust that I can be me in my industry and succeed. As I did with The Art of Being. I won't go into details about the award I won for creating the play but I will tell you that when I did life showed me in the most amazing of ways that following your heart and your passion leads you to creating a path all your own, one filled with moments you never thought possible where the so called impossible becomes your reality. So if anyone by chance, although I don't believe in chance, should be reading this all I have to say is follow your passion, do what you love, and leave the rest up to whatever you believe in and you will live a life that exceeds the one you dreamt for I am living proof that Gods gifts puts our dreams to shame. This is what I believe. This is the art of being me.
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