Me, Tracy and Lucia

Her phone call had made me very happy and seeing her there had inspired me to continue to send out my emails trying to recruit people to join the causes I volunteer for. Hey one person had gotten it and she had gotten another person to join her and that had inspired me to keep being the change I wished to see in the world because whoever needed to hear the message would. The clean up event was amazing and we accomplished alot. I accomplished the two don'ts. Don't fall in the river and don't pick up dead animals. OOPS!!! At this point, in the picture below, I had fallen three times and was just proud of myself for not giving up. I was trying to make it across to climb a tree and get some empty beer cartons out. FYI- Mission accomplished.

Anyway all weekend long I've been inspired and thinking about inspiration in general. So many things came to mind. First of all how magical the universe is and when we are ready it conspires with us to present situations we can learn from and moments we deserve to live. One recent situation was my ex boyfriend from Mexico City finding me on facebook. Back then I was a 17 year old aspiring actress studying at Televisa in Mexico City and he was in his prime as the main singer of a pop group called Agua Luna. Our relationship was short and rocky and when it ended it ended bad. I held no resentment but I held no amazing memories either. Not too long ago he found me on facebook and sent me an email after seeing my Unicef commercial. He mentioned it was good to see me and that we were on the same page in our beliefs. I went to his page and he was right. So many years had gone by we could see the beauty in each other, leave the past where it belongs, and congratulate the other for our accomplishments in taking care of mother nature and all of its inhabitants. He is now one of my many inspirations and a constant reminder that good is being done in the world no matter how many horrible negative images the media saturates us with. GOOD IS INDEED OUT THERE. Check Salvador out planting trees today in Mexico. I love that the internet allows me to see what he was up to today.

Now for my inspirations that have been with me all along on my journey in one way or other well that list would be endless. My mom for raising seven children alone, my real dad wherever he is for continuing to exist and keep up the fight in spite of the troubled life he has lead, my step dad for marrying my mom and taking on her seven children, my friend Bev for being one of the BEST listeners I know, My bestfriend in the world Sheri for being an amazing mom to her kids, Armando for being who he is and accepting himself just as he is, my brothers and sisters, all my friends, and well the list is truly endless. In the past year Zoey has come into my life through Big Brother Big Sister and she has inspired me to be me even more and in the process lead by example and allow her to be herself more, little by little everyday, just as she was created. Here I am with Sheri out and about in LA and the second picture is dinner with Bev. Last but not least Me and Zoey at the Grove last christmas.

But right now I keep thinking of people who are out there trying hard to live a conscious life acknowledging that every action we take affects the earth and humanity gravely and well one name comes to mind. Jason Mraz. Since I saw him on the Today show I researched him online, which led to his blog, which led to this blog you are reading now. He is so inspiring because he is using a very large platform and audience he was given to spread the message of LOVE and he is doing it quiet honestly and bravely not only in his work but in his blogs. They are some of the most beautiful, honest, aware words I have ever read and when I began to read them I felt less alone. Although deep down inside I know I am never truly alone sometimes being so sure of my beliefs makes me different, which I am more than happy to be, but can also make me feel alone. Through his work and blogs he took some of that away and inspired me to continue speaking out as well about that which I am passionate about, humanity. I think my work showcases that. So once again thank you!;-) But he's not the only one using his voice to create love and compassion. Check this out.
Last night after I came home from a long day which included cleaning up the river something really amazing happened that was definitely God and the universe communicating with me through Desiree and boy was I inspired. It is human to think that sometimes all my efforts fall on death ears. Although I know that is truly not the case sometimes I let my mind go there. Is anyone listening? Does anyone care and while I was thinking that I received the following email from Desiree who I have caught up with recently on facebook and who I went to junior high and high school with. This is some of what she wrote, "I am always looking forward to the things you post on here. Compassion is infectious and you are making a difference."
I wanted to share this because I have to say the sentiment goes right back to her. Another confirmation that whoever needs to get what I post will get it and I appreciate her taking the time to look over my posts about non-profits. What she does by looking means more than she knows. Although I did email her back and tell her. So inspiration its infectious. I never forgot a quote I read once, "Surround yourself with people who uplift you." I definitely make a point of doing that because in the end I know that everything we are being sold to believe matters doesn't really matter. It may be tried but it's true when your journey has come to completion and your existence on earth has come to seize no one is going to remember what you drove or what outfits you wore but what they will never forget is how you treated them. "Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, riches take wings, only one thing endures and that is CHARACTER." Horace Greeley. May your character allow you to live a life full of compassion, kindness and love not just for others but for yourself and in the process may your example inspire others to do the same. All this is leading to something and you will find out soon what because after all we are what we do.
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