First I didn't know what I was doing on here and now I can't stop thinking about putting my passions out into the world. The Art of Being woke up me to the world of endless possibilities as endless as the universe and ever since then I have been living amazing moments. Moments that make me realize how magical life is and if you follow what I call the signs you are guided to amazing experiences. Sounds easy but identifying the signs means trusting yourself and surrendering control. In my experience that has not been easy but the flow of life once I do that is easy and leads to moments like the one below.
This year I was granted the gift of shooting a commercial for Unicef. I played the mom and got to be a part of a commercial that for the first time in all my years in the industry actually lined up with my beliefs. HUGE BLESSING! What happens when you follow your passion is truly a gift from God or whatever you believe in. ;-) Afterall we ended up at Cannes being one of ten finalist in the fundraising category for the Cannes Lions Award from over 4000 International entries. When I shot the commercial in February all I could think of was thank you Universe for letting me live this moment. So anything that follows like Cannes is icing on the cake. Why? Because I have been a donor/supporter for years so this was beyond what I ever expected to get in return. The ability to back that which I truly believe in! Although the commercial only airs in March during Unicef's Tap Project World Water Week you can still support the cause by going to http://www.tapproject.org/

A few months before this I had another monumental experience that consisted of the Universe conspiring with me and it brought me to Paulo Coelho. I'll save that story for my next blog but let's just say my ex boyfriend breaking up with me because my beliefs worried him turned out to be a blessing!!! It led to my next project and eventually meeting Coelho. The story is worth writing. It was actually part of my current monologue for The Art of Being when we performed here in Los Angeles in May. All I have to say is what can sometimes seem like a very hard thing to walk through is actually an opportunity to grow through something and allow yourself to live your way into something more magical that what you were choosing to be in. It's just that sometimes when you don't make the choice to make a change you know you need to do, well the Universe helps you along and for the help it gave me by prompting my ex to break up with me I am beyond grateful!
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