Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Art of Knowning When to Let Go.

It's time to let go and close one door therefore allowing the door to the what next to open. I have lived enough to learn that if I keep persisting down the same path and hoping for a different view than I am simply being stubborn not faithful. I had held faith against all obstacles that my team and I could produce results but the deadline arrived and we were unable to do so. The new proposed agreement was something I could not agree to and so on behalf of my team and after discussing it with them I let go of a way of life we have known to be ours for over two years. I apologized to my team for doing so and was continuously told there was no reason to apologize. I was reassured that I was not hurting anyone but when people have been working with you free of charge for over a year or two you can't help but feel like you may have failed them in not being able to bring to fruition your collective dream. Although deep down inside I know all is as it should be.

I have yet again been informed of all my character defects and what a truly different person I am that what I expose on here and through my work. It was in those words that I found my answer. I could continue going back and forth with someone whose form of communication is insults or I could do what I have learned repeatedly even the hard way is best, surrender and let go. The same question I posed earlier in the week arrived again. Do I want to be happy or do I want to right? This time the answer was different. There is only so much negative/depleting/fallen angel energy one can face before realizing the victory doesn't lie in winning it lies in knowing when to surrender and let go. In my case doing so leads to happiness. I pondered how important is this? In the big picture of life not at all. Try thinking of your problem at hand as this. On a scale of one to ten, 9/11 being a ten where does your problem lie? Mine is not even on the scale. I have my friend Bev to thank for posing that question to me years ago. I then pondered does letting go silence my voice? Absolutely not. What is my body feeling? Tired and depleted!!! What is my heart saying? LET GO! So I decided to do just that.

The court I wanted to abide by when standing up for my team and myself was the moral code of life court. A moral compass I believe we are all born with but one texts in books and contracts can find its way around. It can make the moral compass gauge become "invisible." That is until what you have done is returned to you. This journey brought with it a lesson that I will never forget. In the eyes of the law one missing word can change everything including two years of hard work but I revert to what I believe. In the eyes of God and the universe and the law I abide by, do onto others as you would want done to you, no matter who tries to talk you into otherwise all is taken care of even if in the moment it APPEARS otherwise. In due time light is always shed on the truth. Not my perception or theirs but the actual universal truth. I don't fear anyone, their attacks on my character or their threats against me. Their attacks on my character were done with my own words, which they took the time to read here and quote from past interviews. That is a lot of energy wasted on something you dislike so much and their example carried a HUGE lesson. I didn't want to become them so I had to let them go. No matter how much truth was held in plain text of paper trails there was of course as there always is in law a way to distort it. I know I was advised repeatedly by different people who can interpret the law to take them down. To do to them what they were attempting to do to me.

I chose not to. I chose instead to continue to be love and light no matter what they continue to interpret in order to justify their actions. I am definitely wearing the horns these days and Halloween already came to pass. ;-) I would like to point out that there are always two sides to a story, which is why I encouraged them to stop quoting mine, which caused them so much anger and start their own using their own voice. As I state here on my page to the right under my picture, "this is simply one woman's opinion. Take what you like and leave the rest behind." By all means if what you take angers you please leave it here. This is simply a place I come to chronicle my journey in hopes of allowing you the reader into a world where we can hold hope despite all the life on its terms situations we encounter.

This journey and its teacher came with so many great lessons I wouldn't give any of it back! I wouldn't change a thing! For over two years I did everything within my power to bring this to fruition. It did not come to fruition no matter what I tried. I was met with detour after detour after detour and finally reached a destination. Not one I envisioned but one I am beyond grateful occurred now before we got any further. It simply was not meant to be and at this point in my life and after seeing things and situations in the blinding light of the sun I am glad to accept God's will. After all man's rejection is God's protection. I am being protected from something and I have to trust that. I just know it and in the recent attacks it became clear that my happiness mattered more than being right or trying to change their perception. Finding solace in people seeing the world as they are not as it is and knowing therefore that trying to convince an angry person to see me through loving eyes is pointless. I can no longer play a game of whose right because in the big picture which includes loosing Neil and my dad in one year this is not that important. I'd rather play I let go and move on allowing the universe to bestow its magic upon me. It's a much better game. I have learned this repeatedly and did yet again.

So if anyone wants to use what is not theirs and call it theirs by interpreting their idea of text implies I will have to abide by the golden rule, as you do so shall be done to you. No longer desiring the they said I said battle I chose to walk away and take my team with me closing the door on this therefore creating space for all we deserve to arrive. I just simply can't keep going down the same path hoping for a different view! I have to head to a new path and create a new view. Even if I was told I don't have the capacity to create. I am going to have to take my past work, its accolades and most of all my gut feeling and carry on. Keep calm and carry on. It's not like it's the first time I heard you can't. Last time it propelled me into manifestation of a most GLAMOROUS experience. ;-)

I realize in all their constant quoting to attack me and make my beliefs theirs that imitation is a form of flattery I do not want bestowed upon me as I am big on encouraging anyone to find their voice and what speaks to them. Follow YOUR heart! I do not intend to know exactly where all this letting go is leading to but I do have an idea as signs have been clearly guiding me. As usual I know it will exceed my expectations. This simply was just not meant to be. It wasn't written in the stars as hard as I worked to have it be so. I have been shown once more whose in control and I let go as I recall the magic that the light born of the darkness has produced in my life before. I find solace in memories. I have been "stripped" simply because although this was pretty darn magical we deserve something a bit more magical where our work can be appreciated. I have great trust that this END is taking us there. To an Entirely New Direction. May you know when to let go and like me may you have an abundance of guidance through friends and family who support your sweet surrender. I thank you for your time! AG Productions will return on God's time with the what be continued. Till then may you continue to CREATE the life of YOUR DREAMS using YOUR VOICE and learning the art of knowing when to let go.

Thank you God for giving me the gift of knowing who I am. I am GRATEFUL to all of you who held my hand in one way or another these past couple of years! It's time to allow the seasons to do what they do best, bring change. I am humbled by their constant wisdom. "Everything I have seen teaches to me trust the creator for all I have not seen." RW Emerson I will be the light! "I see the light. And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back. So shake him off! It's always darkest before the dawn. Damned if I do. Damned if I don't." I LET GO!

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